お知らせ 2024年度

大判プリンタ(ポスター印刷)利用料金の改定について [2024/6/13]
Revision of Large Format Printer Fees (Poster Printing)






(参考)東京大学医学図書館特設サイト ポスター印刷

To members of School of Medicine/Faculty of Medicine/the UTokyo Hospital/IRCN,
To other users who registered the Medical Library as their home library,

Thank you for your continued use of our Large Format Printer (Poster Printing).

We would like to inform you that we decided to revise the usage fees of the Large Format Printer of the Medical Library.
The service has been offered under the concept that "the user pays for only a portion of the consumables, and the Medical Library covers all the rest, including lease fees."
However, with the recent price hikes, the prices of consumables in general (especially printing paper) have continued to rise.

Since the trend of increasing prices for consumables does not appear to be changing, we decided that we had no choice but to raise the fees based on the range of price increase for printing paper.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to users of the Large Format Printer, and we ask for your kind understanding and cooperation.

To see the revised fees, please refer to '東京大学医学図書館プレゼンテーション資料作成用プリンタ利用料金内規(2024年6月7日改定)' (The bylaw of usage fees of the printer for presentation materials in the Medical Library, the University of Tokyo (Revised on June 7, 2024)' (Japanese only).
The revised bylaw will be effective on Wednesday, August 1, 2024, and users will be charged the revised fees for the use beginning in August.

Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries at:
Information Service Office, Medical Library, The University of Tokyo
medlibs★m.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Change ★ for @)

Please see also: UTokyo Medical Library Website Poster Printing
(* You can see the fees before and after revision.)

IOP eBook 無料トライアル(第1回:2024/4/30(火)まで) [2024/4/8]

大学図書館コンソーシアム連合:JUSTICE 提案特典として、IOP eBookの無料トライアル(第1回)が実施されています。 この機会にぜひご利用ください。

IOP社は物理学分野を得意とする出版社で、医学関連分野(Biomedical engineering, Medical physics, Biophysics)の図書も刊行しています。
実施期間が短いため、対象のタイトルは E-journal & E-book Portal や OPAC には登録されていません。

[From April 1] Free PDF Viewing Service Trial for Medical Users is Starting Shortly

This is an announcements for those who belong to the School of Medicine/Faculty of Medicine/the UTokyo Hospital/IRCN, and others who registered the Medical Library as their home library.


医学図書館クイックガイド > お知らせ > 「PDF閲覧サービスの無料化 (試行) について」

The Medical Library will offer to waive the PDF Viewing Service fee as a trial basis(*), to help the medical users get the articles they need for study and research. Take this opportunity to try our service!
* While the PDF Viewing Service itself is a service that we have already been providing, making it free of charge is the unique attempt of the Medical Library.

Please refer to the following page for details.
Medical Library Quick Guide > News > "Free PDF Viewing Service in Trial"

Full-scale operation of the Medical Library SNS accounts



The Medical Library has operated official X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram accounts as a trial version since July, 2023.
In order to continue to actively offer information about the Medical Library, we have decided to begin full-scale operation of our SNS accounts from April 1, 2024.

For the purpose, we have established "東京大学医学図書館SNS運用ポリシー" (SNS Operation Policies of The Medical Library, The University of Tokyo).
Please access to the URL below to check our new policies.
Medical Library Social Media Accounts

2024年度 第2回製本(5/27搬出) [2024/4/23, 2024/5/24更新]

和雑誌 Nishi~Y(2022年)は製本作業のためしばらく利用できません。

2024年度 第1回製本(4/1搬出) [2024/3/5, 2024/6/10更新]

和雑誌 A~日本(2022年) は全て書庫に戻りました。


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