BMJ Case Reports への投稿について   Submission to BMJ Case Reports

2021年1月から東京大学医学図書館で BMJ Case Reports の購読を開始しました(本郷・白金台キャンパス限定)。
購読期間中は BMJ Case Reports への投稿が可能です。
投稿時に東京大学の機関fellowship codeの入力が必要になりますので、必要な方は下記フォームからお問合せください。

■■ BMJ Case Reports 機関fellowship code 問合せフォーム ■■

対象:本郷・白金台キャンパス所属の方 (その他のキャンパスの方は使用できません)
UTokyo Acccount>@utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp でサインインしてください。

※機関fellowship codeは購読期間中に使用できます。(BMJ Case Reportsの購読を中止する場合は、このサイトでお知らせします)
※東京大学の機関fellowship codeは他のキャンパスの方や学外者は使用できません。(漏洩しないようにご注意ください。)
※投稿料は掛かりませんが、即時オープンアクセス化する場合は別途料金が必要です。 (発行2年後にPubMed CentralでOA化されます。)

商品詳細:BMJ Case Reports (ユサコ株式会社) (執筆ガイド動画、症例掲載のヒント集、症例執筆・掲載のユーザーガイドなど)

For authors https://casereports.bmj.com/pages/authors/
Resource Centre https://www.bmj.com/company/bmj-resource-centre/bmj-case-reports-resources/bmj-case-reports/
Frequently Asked Questions https://casereports.bmj.com/pages/contact-us/

The UTokyo Medical Library has started subscribing to "BMJ Case Reports" in January 2021 (only for: Hongo and Shiroganedai Campuses).
Members of Hongo and Shirokanedai Campuses can submit reports to BMJ Case Reports during the subscription period.
When you submit your paper, you will be asked to enter a fellowship code of your institution.
Please contact us using the form below if you need the fellowship code of the University of Tokyo.

■■ Inquiry Form for BMJ Case Reports Fellowship Code (UTokyo) ■■

ONLY FOR: Members of Hongo and Shirokanedai Campuses.
Please sign in with your UTokyo Acccount (<10 digit numbers>@utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp).
We will reply to you within 3 workdays; excluding weekends and holidays (e.g. December 28 - January 4).
Please try again if you do not receive our reply after 3 workdays.

- The fellowship code of UTokyo is available during the subscription period.
- The corresponding author must be a member of Hongo/Shirokanedai Campus.
- The fellowship code of UTokyo is only available for those affiliated with the Hongo/Shirokanedai Campus. You may not share this code with non-members.
- You can submit reports while you are enrolled in the University of Tokyo. The fellowship code of UTokyo can only be used to submit articles by research activities at UTokyo.
- No limit to the number of submissions.
- No submission fee is required. Authors may make their accepted article immediate open access at an extra cost. (BMJ Case Reports will be open access after 2 years at PubMed Central.)
- For details, please refer the "For authors" page.

Information for authors:
For authors https://casereports.bmj.com/pages/authors/
Resource Centre https://www.bmj.com/company/bmj-resource-centre/bmj-case-reports-resources/bmj-case-reports/
Frequently Asked Questions https://casereports.bmj.com/pages/contact-us/

医学図書館 図書受入担当
Acquisition Section of Medical Libray, the Universty of Tokyo
acq*m.u-tokyo.ac.jp (*を@に変えてください)
TEL 03-5841-3663 (学内23663)

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